Life with Michelle

Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Last Kiss, The Black Dahlia

Yesterday A day out to the movies. The last summer outing with my friend Christine. She's going off to college so we had a girls outing. We went to universal city walk and catched two movies. The Last Kiss and the Black Dahlia.

The Last Kiss is about a group of friends that are on the verge of turning 30 bascially finding themselves as they are getting older. 4 best friends realize that they are getting older and have a hard time accepting adulthood. I thought the movie was pretty good. It had a wierd ending haha but i mean it was still good. Not as good as garden state but you can't based it off of that movie. This movie was a little more realistic. It's just about how growing up can be scary; marriage, kids etc.

The Black Dahlia
This movie is about an aspiring actress, Elizabeth "Betty" Short, who was brutially murdered. It's bascially a suspense, mystery kind of movie. That's all i can really say HAHA.. the movie was quite confusing. I was watching it and thier was soo many things happening, that i didnt really follow what was going on. The crowd that i was watching actually laughed at some scenes. It was kind of wierd. It was confusing to the point when the movie was wrapping up i was still confusing. The movie keeps you questioning a lot of things, and by the end you get the gist of it but for me i was still confused on how everything connected together. Overall though i liked the way it was filmed. I liked how it was filmed old school style, the whole 40's 50's style. The music was old school too. It was just like those old mystery movies how thiers a narrator and jazz music playing. That was good.

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Monday, September 11, 2006

A Tribe Called Quest

Sunday, wake up at 7:45 go to work, go home at 12, have lunch, then off to do my paper at a friends, go home around 630, decide i want to nap but don't, get ready for a concert at 7, close my eyes for a sec, 20 minutes later its time to roll.

WOW it's been such a crazy day, but dude I finally lived my first HIP HOP CONCERT.
REAL HIP HOP, none of that stupid dumb and hiffy garbage.

A Tribe Called Quest reunites for the Bounce Tour and was performing right here in LA at The Wiltern Theater. The opening acts included The Procussions and Rhymefest. They did an ok job, but what everyone was out there for was bascially TCQ. Even though i'm not that familiar with TCQ, i was still jamming to all the stuff i did know about them as well as some other tracks i never heard of. Of course my brother was listening to that ever since they came out, he was singing all thier jams. haha it was SICKNESS! When they played Check the Rhyme and Can I Kick it, my bro and i just jumped up and down like there was no tomorro. The whole performance was just crazyness, they played all thier infamous tracks. It was soo hype, everyone jumping up and down, bouncing along to all thier tracks, throwing up there hands up and down, IT WAS SICK. I really had a good time just jaming along, and singing along to the tracks i knew. haha. I'm glad i had the opportunity to go to a Tribe Called Quest CONCERT!!!! Q tips voice is so Nuts, i love it.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Little Miss Sunshine

Friday night equals a night out to the movies.
After dinner, my brothers and i decided to catch an indie flick, Little Miss Sunshine. This movie is about a disfuntional family from from Albuquerque, that travel together in hopes of fulfilling the dream of a seven-year-old girl, Olive. Olive has qualified to be in the Litte Miss Sunshine pageant, which is held in Redondo Beach, California. The entire family travel together in a very old VW BUS and face a great deal on the road trip. The movie was really good. The movie has good comedy as well as some heartfelt moments. The cast members all did a great job of acting. YOU SHOULD ALL WATCH IT!

The funniest members of the family was the suicidle uncle, Steve Carell, and the son. They were both extremely funny to watch.

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