Life with Michelle

Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Last Kiss, The Black Dahlia

Yesterday A day out to the movies. The last summer outing with my friend Christine. She's going off to college so we had a girls outing. We went to universal city walk and catched two movies. The Last Kiss and the Black Dahlia.

The Last Kiss is about a group of friends that are on the verge of turning 30 bascially finding themselves as they are getting older. 4 best friends realize that they are getting older and have a hard time accepting adulthood. I thought the movie was pretty good. It had a wierd ending haha but i mean it was still good. Not as good as garden state but you can't based it off of that movie. This movie was a little more realistic. It's just about how growing up can be scary; marriage, kids etc.

The Black Dahlia
This movie is about an aspiring actress, Elizabeth "Betty" Short, who was brutially murdered. It's bascially a suspense, mystery kind of movie. That's all i can really say HAHA.. the movie was quite confusing. I was watching it and thier was soo many things happening, that i didnt really follow what was going on. The crowd that i was watching actually laughed at some scenes. It was kind of wierd. It was confusing to the point when the movie was wrapping up i was still confusing. The movie keeps you questioning a lot of things, and by the end you get the gist of it but for me i was still confused on how everything connected together. Overall though i liked the way it was filmed. I liked how it was filmed old school style, the whole 40's 50's style. The music was old school too. It was just like those old mystery movies how thiers a narrator and jazz music playing. That was good.

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